Positive People Make Things Happen!


We all need an extra boost from time to time, and short, positive phrases are an excellent source of motivation.

Positive People Make Things Happen has over 110 positive affirmations for the perfect “pick me up”

We all need an extra boost from time to time, and short, positive phrases are an excellent source of motivation. Positive People Make Things Happen has over 110 positive affirmations for the perfect “pick me up”

A few excerpts from the book:

Positive People Make Things Happen! Because they realize that a positive attitude will take them further in life than skill and talent ever will…

Positive People Make Things Happen! Because they try to see the big picture and work towards getting there…

Positive People Make Things Happen! Because life is too short to be negative and unhappy…

Positive People Make Things Happen! Because each moment spent in a challenge brings them closer to closure and a brighter day…

Positive People Make Things Happen! Because they know that life isn’t fair but remain determined to make it the best life possible!


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